Summer Hoops ends September 7
no hoops september 14
winton and lincoln open september 21


Our Saturday morning program for kids has the power to transform lives. Learn about what we do and how to get involved.

You can make a remarkable impact!

Want to make a heartfelt difference in the life of a child or young adult in our community? We need volunteers to make our program happen, and we have a wide variety of volunteer opportunities.

photo of kids doing yoga

We Are Cheerful Givers, Hard Workers, and Overcomers

Photo of girl and mentor doing pushups

Our Success Depends On You

The kids who participate in Saturday Hoops depend on the many devoted volunteers and program partners to provide companionship and show the way to a better, brighter life. We depend on your donations to make the program the best that it can be while continuing to expand our outreach. Will you become part of this outreach by donating?